Spray Itch Away

Cavalor SwItch has been developed for horses that are sensitive to seasonally recurring skin irritations - often know as sweet itch.

Sweet Itch Help is Here!

Summer eczema in horses is a seasonal, annual recurring itch that goes hand in had with dermatitis. This skin inflammation is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of certain biting midges, Culicoides, who are primarily active around sunrise and sunset during the warmer months of March - October.

This reaction causes a constant itch on the mane, base of tail, head and ears which results in chafing. When scratching the horse may injure their skin which in turn leads to secondary bacterial infections.

This product may also be used in case of irritation caused by harsh weather.

Cavalor Switch works on many levels. It masks the horses's body chemistry so that the mosquitoes are kept at a distance, which is an extremely important step in the prevention of sweet itch. Other, hydrating and nourishing ingredients will take care of wounded and itchy skin.

Shake before use!

Available in 500ml

We are one of the largest independent retailers of Cavalor in the UK & a verified premium stockist giving us access to the entire range. Our sales advisors all use these products on a daily basis so are able to offer you expert advice. If you need any assistance in selecting the right item for you or your horse please don't hesitate to contact us.